Web Hosting

A Guide To Different Types of Web Hosting

Website hosting is a digital service that makes website content available on the internet. By buying the best web hosting plan, you rent a space on any physical server for storing all the files and data of the website. The server that will host a website is the physical computer which runs constantly to make the website available for visitors. Purchasing servers for hosting will let you store all your website data in the provider’s server.

After a user enters a domain name in the address bar of their browser, the host server will transfer every file needed to load a website. A web host ensures your site works optimally and with great security protocols. Moreover, it simplifies the various complex aspects of website hosting, right from software installation to technical support.

Types of Website Hosting Services

With various available website hosting options, it can be difficult to decide which one is the best. Most web hosting service providers offer different packages for diverse kinds of clients – from personal blog creators to business website owners. You should ideally begin with the simplest web hosting solutions. After your website. Once your website starts getting more traffic, you may upgrade to more advanced plans. Let us look at a few popular ones:

1.         Shared Hosting

Multiple users have to share the server resources with shared hosting, including storage space, processing power, and memory. Due to its affordability and simplicity, shared hosting is an outstanding solution for personal websites and small businesses that don’t need higher bandwidth or advanced configuration.


  • Perfect and cost-effective for small websites
  • Pre-configured server option
  • Technical expertise isn’t needed


  • Increased traffic on various users’ websites can affect the speed of your website
  • Minimum access to the configuration of the server

2.         WordPress Hosting

This CMS website hosting service offers a WP-optimized server environment to help your website load quickly and minimize prospective problems. But, other kinds of website hosting work still for sites based on the famous CMS. Usually, the best WordPress hosting plans have features like plugins for basic functions like security and caching, pre-installed themes, and more.


  • Beginner-friendly and low cost
  • Pre-installed WordPress themes and plugins
  • Optimized performance for WP sites


  • Not a perfect kind of hosting for non-WP websites

3.         VPS Hosting

With VPS hosting, your site shares a server with others, but the website host makes a partition virtually for every user. Therefore, a website hosted on the virtual server gets the allocated resources. VPS is an excellent option for eCommerce shops, large blogs, and medium-sized websites with an increasing number of visitors.


  • High customizability
  • Root access to the server
  • Dedicated server space
  • Increased web traffic on other sites does not impact the performance of your website.


  • Even if it is quite affordable, a few users need to hire developers to handle virtual servers, which increases the overall costs
  • Users require technical know-how to manage it

4.         Dedicated Hosting

This hosting assigns a server for every website. By choosing dedicated hosting, you will be able to choose your desired software and system, configure the server, and tailor the whole hosting environment. Renting a dedicated hosting server is as good as having your best image hosting server. Moreover, it comes with. the added advantage of getting expert support from the web host.


  • Root access to the server
  • High reliability
  • Full control over the configuration of the server


  • Server and technical management knowledge is needed
  • More oriented towards big businesses

5.         Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting uses many virtual servers for hosting a website. Therefore, if a server faces a problem or high traffic, the remaining servers can maintain the site’s operation. Since cloud hosting counts on a group of servers to operate, large-scale websites and businesses having many websites can be an advantage, as it offers no to little downtime.


  • Scalability – a website isn’t limited to a single server’s resources
  • Leverages load balancing to deal with high traffic and avoid DDoS attacks
  • Reduced chances of hardware failure and downtime


  • Costlier than shared and VPS hosting
  • Root access isn’t provided always

Wrap Up

Many decisions go into building a new site, including where and how to host it. Be it a blog, online business, or other kind of site, the initial step to build your presence online is by signing up for an excellent hosting account. Website hosting makes your website available online. Learning the fundamentals of website hosting and the different types of services will help select a reliable and cost-effective solution for the website. When considering different hosting providers and services, keep all your requirements in mind and evaluate the pros and cons of every web hosting company, before you choose one.